Saturday, December 22, 2007

A great movie...

So I saw a movie the other night that I really loved, and I just wanted to recommend it, because it's one that looks very weird at first glance.  It's called Lars and the Real Girl (you can find the trailer at ...I would have put a link to it, but I still don't know how to do that yet).  Anyway, its about a guy with delusional disorder who's had some difficult things happen to him in life and he ends up ordering a "girlfriend" online (who is really a life-size doll)... The whole town is in on his recovery process and treats her as a real person to try to help Lars overcome the delusion; it really is a beautiful thing.  Very quirky, and very sweet movie.  I feel like it is profound because its only by the grace of God that we're not all in Lars' position of being too afraid to be hurt and resorting to delusions to maintain our sanity.  Although we don't have pretend girlfriends (as far as I know), we all have our own things that we hide behind and keep from taking risks out of fear and are held back from being the people that God created us to be.  Just throwing it out there...


Giancarlo said...

That sounds like one of those movies people see where they walk out of the theater saying "Man, we can all really learn a lesson from this." Then the lesson is forgotten five minutes after the fact, as said people go back to their habitual lives.

Here's hoping it sticks with you a little longer :)

Leisha said...

I want to confess to you, my community, that I have been making up my boyfriend. I'm just really good with photoshop. Thanks for bearing with me through this to the point where I can confess the truth to you all...on this blog.

(P.S. I'm totally joking. Which is probably inappropriate, and I do apologize for that.)

The Word Chef said...

I KNEW it, Leisha!! ;0)