Saturday, November 17, 2007


When I'm taking communion, I try to take as big a piece of the body of Christ as possible.

Does that make me a bad Christian?


Jeannie said...

So I do the same thing...but I do it because I'm afraid of dropping the whole thing into the juice, so I need a big chunk to hold on to. I've done that before, and it was pretty embarrassing to fish around in the juice for the bread, sticking my whole finger in the juice...who really wants to take communion after I do that? Basically the whole taking communion thing makes me nervous...

Leisha said...

The flip side is when people pass the loaf for communion, then it sucks to get a huge piece because you're sitting there chewing and chewing and chewing after everyone else has finished.

The Word Chef said...

OR...What if I just went and ate a whole loaf of the communion bread if they had leftovers? What if I didn't even wait to SEE if they'd have leftovers, and just found myself a loaf in the back somewhere? Does that intensify my bad-Christianness?!