Sunday, January 20, 2008

Americans have stuff

Addressing consumerism and stewardship from yet another angle:

The other day I heard on the radio that consumption has declined a bit in our country recently. The voice (I have no idea what station this was) lamented that if the trend continues, our economy will likely slide into a recession. It seemed to me the obvious message was that we need to consume more; does anyone else have a problem with that? I hope so...

The next day, as the voice still echoed in my head, I came upon this website entitled "The Story of Stuff;" it includes a 20-minute video presentation about resources and the economy (in lay terms, with classy illustrations), as well as information regarding things that every good Portlander loves, like sustainability and NGOs, with lots of references (books and websites).

I've only made a cursory exploration of the site myself, so I'm not endorsing it with blood or anything, but at the very least it can help us think more intentionally about processes we easily take for granted.


Josh said...

i watched the fifth element this weekend. the bad guy wanted to destroy the world so that it would create jobs and projects to boost the global economy.

it was kind of clever.

Leisha said...

I really appreciate this post and the comment you left on my prior post.

It's so important to be aware of the culturization that we are Americans first and foremost, then Christians or global citizens after that.

If it isn't wealthy Christians who take a stance to seek change for the victims of poverty and economic injustice, who will? If not those who are willing to make disinterested sacrifices for the sake of those who have no voice, who will speak for them?

Proverbs 31:8

Renee said...

i watched part of the 'story of stuff,' in which the speaker discussed Bromonated Flame Retardants (PBDE's), which cover everything, including computers. and Electronic waste has started to become a recognized international issue. there was an article on it in the nytimes recently. big issues with no current solutions. and blind, constant consumption. seriously sad.