Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Ever noticed how some people are always referred to by their full name?* Maybe they have a funky last name, or an unremarkable first, or just a really good combination. There could be a number of reasons, really, but for whatever cause, sometimes the first name attaches to the last, and sometimes it doesn't. Take my friend Gabe. He's just Gabe; I bet a lot of his acquaintances don't even know his last name. Then I know a guy named Josh Chang. It's never Josh, always JoshChang. I'll pause here while you think of examples from your own life.

The point (yes I have a point) here, or at least the related thought that I had, is that God knows, sees, and calls people by their full names. And this full includes middle name, nickname, suffix, and general entirety of being. He doesn't know us in monosyllables, or treat us in one dimension. This has heavy implications for not only how we relate to God but also how we as Christians relate to others as we aspire to follow Christ's example. Think about it...

*I exaggerate. Sue me.


Leisha said...

I love it that Josh Chang now has his own label. It makes me want to blog and refer to him so that I can use the label.

Also, I was just thinking on Wednesday about how I nearly always call him Josh Chang.

annie skroski said...

why don't we call him joshua chang?

thatoneguy said...

Looks like I beat you to it, Leisha. And I'm thinking we might call him Joshua Chang at fancy events, or maybe business meetings.

thatoneguy said...

The best (worst?) part is, I'm pretty sure most of the HC doesn't read this blog, so I can name-drop with impunity and they'll never know. Isn't that right, Jon?

Leisha said...

All I know is that I was talking to Matt White the other day (another full namer) and he was telling me how much he likes playing with My Little Pony dolls.